Where in the world is Skrolli International Edition read?

On Skrolli’s subreddit gcsesarehard kindly asked for a breakdown of the countries where Skrolli’s English version – the International Edition – got its initial IndieGoGo contributions.

We had previously released some preliminary pictoral statistics, but went on to look at the final numbers of our crowdsourced orders and they are reflected in the picture above. Finland, where we are known best, contributed most, with United States, United Kingdom and Germany leading the international markets. Those of you who would like even more detail can download the CSV file.

As for the new Skrolli International Edition 2017.1E, it is early days yet, but we can say that for some reason the digital Skrolli app is most popular – by far, more than 10 times far – in China. Probably not for the use we would like to envision, though, given that nobody there is buying the digital in-app magazines. Yet. 🙂

Janne Sirén
Digital Chief, Skrolli